Become an Instructor

Start Teaching on and earn 85% of every course you sell

Would you like Sell Your Course Here?

At Patrons Portal, we are looking for unique individuals who have created products that they would like to share with the world.


The issue creators often encounter is how to do it and the cost involved, so the idea for this platform is one of collaboration where like minded people can share.


If you interested in hosting your product on this platform, please fill in the form opposite, tell us a little bit about yourself and we’ll be in touch.

Why Would You Like To Be An Instructor?

When filling in this area we’d like to know…

  • What is your subject area?
  • Have you already created a course
  • Is it hosted elsewhere, is it for sale?
  • What are your expectations?
  • Anything else you feel could assist us; feel free to provide a contact number